I love my iPad

Ok so I mostly use it for games, mail, and streaming video from netflix... Byte me, it is awesome! One of these days I will find a book I actually want to read, too.

SCREEEEEEAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM omg it is soooo coooollll!

Sent from my iPad


POEM: Internment

2010040841 - c2010 WLC

I'm well aware of strengths I have
And quite aware of weaknesses
I know this love I have inside
Too well I know of speechlessness

My fingers, then, are like an army
Marching in a symphony
Pouring out the things I can't
Express without their tympany

For in my throat, a struggling bird
Long imprisoned in its stir
Riding out the storm and waiting
For its freedom to occur

What if, perchance, it waits for naught?
What if it is forever caught?
Never once to truly sing?
Never once to say a thing?

This is my weakness, my desire
I cannot sing, yet still aspire
To feel the easing of release
Permit expression, inner peace

So joyful would her singing be
If only once outside this cage
Her voice could open and be free
Instead she's caught within her rage



Photography thoughts

It is coming to my attention that there are three aspects to
photography that I like.

1. New gadget syndrome: The process of learning all these new
features and testing the waters without any real professional
understanding. This is the process in which the camera becomes one
with my body. The features aspect can take a few days to a couple
weeks, but the bonding comes with experience.

2. Picture-taking: This comes after the camera has become a part of
my body. It's when I see a shot I want and get it without thinking
about how to do so. It's the slightly less creative side of me
because it's more intuitive than thoughtful.

3. Push-to-limits syndrome: This is when I've exhausted everything I
can find in the features and have indefatigably attempted the same
shot over and over with no success, then get really close by using a
flashlight or some other means to trick the camera into doing what I
want, or close to it. This is the point where my interest peaks
briefly during a tertiary creative phase, then flattens out into
disgust and aggravation when even creativity has found its limit.

Maverick hit that last point a year after I met Dale. Oxide and
Obsidian did not get there naturally, because Oxide tried to byte the
dust on me and Sid was overshadowed by the exceptionally better camera
Dale has been using which gave me shot ideas I could not obtain with
the equipment I had. Hence, early retirement as I spring into the
world of SLRs.

Very interesting analysis, though, for so early in the morning.
(9am) LOL




I just bought a new camera, a Nikon D5000. I've named him Morpheus.
He's sweet. The flash appears a bit more natural, it does better in
low light, etc. But on a night when I cannot sleep, his complexity
and myriad of features had me reading his manual. This meant that
something was on my mind as I fell asleep.

As such, I dreamt of photography.

So, last night I was content and asleep, and I'm dreaming of this cool
shot. I don't even remember what it was. But in my dream, I raise my
camera and go to press the button and - SOMEONE grabs my BOOB!! There
was no one in the dream so I open my eyes and after several confusing
moments, realize my hand was acting out the dream.

That hand caused me a good shot. Well, sorta. Okay, considering I
can't even remember what the shot was, and it would have been a
temporary one anyway considering it was only in my head... I suppose
it's a good thing that I woke up just before the alarm. Still... not
the first time my hand has woken me up out of a sound sleep. One
night I woke up and my hands were fluttering in my face. I remember
recognizing the flutters as sign language and was able to interpret
much of it, although it was a bit incoherent. Then I realized I'd
been signing in my sleep. I've also woken up and found myself typing
in my sleep.

My hands are apparently quite vocal at all hours of the day. I've
often wondered if they're not even mine...



0111 Things I love

Okay, so here's my current events.




0100. I LOVE GOOGLE. Get this - Dale says, "Huh. Says to register
but doesn't give a phone number." Two seconds later: "Dale, it's xxx-
xxxx." Google at my fingertips. I loves its.

0101. I LOVE THE INTERNETS. For which # 0100 would not have been
possible in the way it is.

0110. I LOVE GOOD BUSINESSES. I recently got orthotics for what I
felt was a developing case of Plantar Fasciitis. All the signs were
there, but only in winter for the most part, so I'd ignored it for a
good two years or so. The guy was great, gave me some helpful advice,
etc, but I didn't listen as well as I should and then even after
taking it really easy the pain had only increased while wearing the
orthos. I began to wonder if perhaps my foot was worse than I'd
thought and maybe I should have seen a doc before getting orthos. So
I called a podiatrist. The lady was really nice and I explained the
issues briefly to which she immediately asks, "How long have you tried
breaking them in?" I'm like, "A week." (This is about what I thought
the guy told me.) She laughs and informs me that I should definitely
give it more time, at least a month, and that I should only wear them
an hour one day, two hours the next, etc (what the guy told me, and
I've been averaging one or two hours a day since the first few days of
way-too-long-and-I-admit-it). She also told me that if there's pain,
I'm pushing too hard and should cut back until I can push more. So I
ended up not making the appointment, and she seemed fine with that.
It is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY RARE for a doctor's office to give such
advice over the phone let alone doing so without a) me being a patient
and b) not getting immediate business out of the deal. Of course, I
am now in awe and assuming my foot turns out good I will promote the
office to the ends of the earth, so in the end, they still win.

0111. I LOVE DALE. I know this goes without saying, but I have to
mention this because it's true and it's important to reiterate
awesomeness. What are some of the things he's done or said lately to
deserve this praise? Lots of things. Mostly little things. The
smile on his face, the light in his eyes; they always capture my heart
and hold it a willing prisoner. A couple days ago he reminded me to
do something that was financially beneficial to me. He helped me help
my [our] friend move. He's patient with me. He doesn't argue, only
expresses his opinions or thoughts and lets me do the same, coming to
conclusions with me rather than forcing things down my throat. He's
willing to help me with projects, the few I have that welcome more
extensive involvement. He's fun to go out and do stuff with. TV Time
is made even better by his presence, even when we don't talk much.
Meals take less time and are more fun because of him. English Muffin
Pizza. Taco Bell. Stair Pong. Yep. I love the guy. What can I say?


Osmanthus Oolong

This is THE awesomest tea EVER.

My recipe:

2 TBS Osmanthus Oolong
Heat 18oz water to just barely starting to bubble (you know that
growly sound the pot suddenly makes when the bubbles are about to form?)
Pour over tea and brew for 2.5 minutes




Poem: Bubbles

2010021731 - c2010 WLC

Tiny bubbles cling together
Floating in a pool of amber
Surrounded by a wall of green
Popping tiny breaths unseen

I sit here up against my mum
Playing Scrabble as you curl
Blissful in my solitude
But not without my gratitude

For when you're gone
Our love goes on
Inside a happy dancing heart
We are never quite apart

I watch TV on the internet
Never trying to forget
The happy looks that you provide
Without you, we'd not survive

The door swings wide
You walk inside
I drink the bubbles in my cup
I'll see you when I wake up