me vs jimmies

We stopped for ice cream today and I ordered a medium black cherry
cone with jimmies. Dale and I sought shade under a small tree and
stood there as my jimmies began sliding down the side of the melting
ice cream. I immediately began licking them up and chewing. Then
they attacked me full force: As they slid down faster and faster, I
could not keep up with them! They were soon sliding over my four
fingers. I tried to chew faster and lick up the ones sliding toward
the back of my hand, but it was not to be: I began laughing too hard
to get any further licks in!

So there we are, [two adults?] laughing hysterically as people are
driving by, pink ice cream littered with brown blobs running down my
fingers, splattering on the mulch by our feet. I was completely
helpless to the jimmies' plunder of my pride, but, it was pretty funny.

Incidentally, I vowed not to get jimmies again.



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