Leopard rant on cut and paste

I love macs, but there are a few inherent annoyances from a Windows
user perspective.

Cut and paste a file is one of them.

I can not tell you the number of times I have sat here, completely
inundated with sheer frustration over trying to drag a couple of files
from one place to another in order to move them. Typically I go to
drag them, and the highlighting goes away so I have to REhighlight
them and then very gently ease the mouse off the files and into the
folder so they actually go this time. DAMMIT!! Tonight is even
worse, because I want to drag and drop and get this... you click and
drag, and pull down, and you know what? It doesn't scroll to the
folder at the bottom of the pile, out of sight. So, I have to open
two Finder windows of the same damned thing to get them in there.

To pile more crap into my OS and potentially slow it down (everyone
knows you want to slow your OS down) I installed QuickSilver. The
premise was that you can create a workaround for cut and paste. I
couldn't figure out until I ran through the instructions for real by
actually doing them. You want to know how? You don't.

I want: Right-click a file, or control-click, whichever, and click
"CUT" or "MOVE."
Then: Right-click a folder, and click "paste" or "move here."

Currently OS X Leopard only does "copy" which is completely useless
because I don't WANT a gazillion copies cluttering my hard drive. I
want ONE with the exception of the Time Machine backups on the external.

Rant over. I'm gonna go cuss and swear while I use two finders.

Moral of the story: Put things in the right place when you first get
them. Otherwise, OS X will punish you.

Apple: I love your products and overall consider them a vast
improvement over much of your competition's efforts. However, some
very basic functionality such as outlined above would be nice for
those of us who LIKE to be organized and not depend on Finder all the



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