green efficient geek

Heh, this struck my funny bone. I just responded to an email from
Dale's mom and at the end I had a thought for Dale so I mentioned it
there since I did a "respond to all" and he was included in that.

So I mentioned my thought to him and then said:

[you might be a green efficient geek if you email your next-room-over-
husband within a response to his mom's email]

First, it's funny for the aforementioned reason - conserving a couple
small keystrokes, my voice, a few steps, all by emailing within an
email. Second, I thought, "Gee, this also saves a small amount of
server space!" and then started laughing when I began to say "you
might be a green efficient..." because NOW I'm taking up more server
space than if I'd simply done another email - as you can see, I'm now
emailing my blog with more text than ever surmised with two simple
emails. Or with one email and a quick jog over the stairs.

But, in the event that my family or whomever reads this blog actually
finds it amusing, perhaps it was worth it - a tiny smile is better
than none and worth far more than a few KB of server space.

In the meantime, "Hazard" by Richard Marx is on, and I just had the
creepy crawlies go up my spine as he belted out "I /think/ about my
life gone by..." At the concert last March, I recall him saying that
his wife thought Hazard was a good song and he'd be nuts to not do it,
so he did it despite his own thoughts on it. "I hate it when she's
right," he grumbled, much to the amusement of the audience. I can't
believe someone as talented as Richard Marx could have actually
thought to NOT do that song. Good thing he paired up with that girl.
LOL Now, if he would just release "Blood In My Veins" or whatever he
calls it, that would rock. I suspect I'd have a lot of writing to do
if I had that song to listen to.



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