Work VS Home VS Ice Cream VS Rats

I worked for ONE HOUR today. If you even call it work. I sat there
with the lights off trying to form coherent thoughts, then decided I
needed to go home so I called the currently in charge due and said,
"I want to go home." Eventually I managed to explain that I was
there but felt like crap and wanted to go home but had meetings all
damned day and didn't want to leave but was useless and really wanted
to go home. He said, "Well, if you're that sick, then go home!!" I
said, "But I have a meeting at 1 and can't miss that and--" and he
said, "GO HOME!!!" and I continued "and I'm supposed to go to these
other things and hey, maybe if I go home I can attend from home..."
and he just shook his head and proceeded to kick me out and send me
home to mommy only mommy is really the adult portion of myself that's
now taking care of my snivvelling little self who both wants to be at
work my last day before vacation and who also doesn't give a rat's
ass about work because she's sick and just wanted to stay home in the
first place.

He later emailed me, incidentally, and said that he hopes I rest up
because of my vacation and he wants me to get well for that. I wuv
dat guy. He and the other one-in-charge better not leave like
certain other folks have recently or I'm gonna kick some serious butt.

I dumped a spoonful of chocolate ice cream into the rats' cage and
one of them stuck her head under the spoon and got splatted right
over the top of her head. The ice cream was a bit melted and
dribbled down into one of her eyes. She looked so funny sitting
there licking ice cream off her whiskers while glop kept running down
her face! I said, "Uh, aren't you gonna shake that off or
something?" but she didn't, she was so absorbed. She simply kept
blinking through the mess like those cartoons where someone gets
doused in mud and opens their eyes and all you see is brown with two
white eyes. So comical that i forgot to watch and see if anyone
tried to pick up the whole gloppy mess and run off with it. Rats are

Sinclair, meanwhile, discovered a little box that my Skin So Soft
came in and proceeded to disembowel it of its packing materials.



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