Types of CAPD
I stumbled across something earlier that indicated there are /types/
of CAPDs. Well, duh, but... I got to wondering what "type" I might
be. Of course, typing things doesn't help matters any, but there was
also mention of how the types tend to have different compensations. I
was curious, so I looked them up.
Seems there are five. The first one, Auditory Decoding Deficit, would
apply to me sans the vocabulary thing. I have _excellent_ vocabulary,
writing, and spelling skills. Apparently folks with this type of
deficit typically do NOT do well even with the written language. (I'm
inclined to think I still suffer from many of the Decoding issues,
though. And, surely no one ever fits into just one category.) But
#4... Prosadic deficit... as I read the characteristics, I heard my
mom's voice over and over in my head: "My friend Betty was just like
you - she always spoke in monotone. Must be a Cherokee thing."
"You're tone-deaf, just give it up." "Can't you hear yourself? Why
do you keep doing that??" (Incidentally, I'm beginning to suspect
that a certain loved one suffers both types I just mentioned, at least
to some extent.)
I was thinking... I'd always thought that codes, language, writing,
etc, was my way of overcompensating for the communication issues I've
had... Maybe it's true. After all, I spent ten years forcing myself
to learn music and once I got to a more "normal" point where I could
at least find a tune, I gave up on it. Doesn't poetry involve all of
the things that are mentioned in that article? Stress, intonation,
rhythm? It's as if my more cherished interests are all centered
around compensating for something. Even computers, with their music
programs that I actually understand due to pulling individual notes
out of the mass of confusion.
Dunno why this "ah ha" is such an "ah ha" to me, nor why typing myself
is so important to me, but it is. I'll need to work on that outside
of this arena, a separate issue that I'll eventually figure out. In
the meantime, though... Ah HA!!
Oh, incidentally, one of the coping ideas for this is to encourage
music and/or dance. Sometimes I think I've out-coped most of the
trainers. WAY out-coped. Since studying music, I swear my ability to
"hear" people has improved. It could be that I trained my brain to
listen carefully, and it passed into speech recognition somehow. In
some way, it's like I knew instinctively how to push the most out of
the issue. I always have been a determined, stubborn little beastie,
I suppose.
Anyway, gotta get back to work. My break is definitely over!!
Time passes by so fast...
already." I'd been thinking that same thing that same day and told him
so. I'd also been thinking how we hadn't a single "fight" in all that
time. A few irritable days on either end, perhaps, but both of us are
seemingly quick to realize when we're having a bad day and immediately
apologize if we think we might appear irritable. So I can honestly not
recall any time when we actually argued. The closest we ever came was
during our move. Both of us were super-stressed, trying to pack both
our apartments into one. I know I snapped at him at least once, and I
felt horrible about it even at the very moment I was doing it. Maybe we
know ourselves and respect each other too much to allow ourselves to
place blame on each other. I know on my end, I've had some bad days
where things could have escalated for me, but I knew better and kept my
mouth shut until I could reason things out. Each time was just my own
bad mood. Still, it's pretty amazing to me considering the number of
people I know who fight with their loved ones so frequently. There are
so many levels to the "L" word. It's astounding.
Each wondrous moment should be enjoyed. I was a bit off-kilter for a
couple weeks there, and I've come to find that when I'm like this, I
don't appreciate Dale or much of anything as much as I should. I
consciously know how lucky I am, but I don't /feel/ lucky, I feel down
and reclusive. I push on, knowing it'll pass eventually. It's hard,
but I do it, because there was a time when a relationship in my life
would be pushed over the edge with so little as an eyeroll. Dale came
into my life two years ago, and came to know me for the wonderful person
I'd become. I do not want to be the person I was even a few months
before he and I met, because at that point in my life I was still coming
to terms with many things that were seriously holding me back. It was
an important time in my life, but not one I feel I need to repeat.
Those things have been dealt with. There's no going back, now.
Our days are numbered. I savour as many moments as I can. Recently I
said, quite seriously in fact, "Dale, for our tenth anniversary,
methinks we should go to England. We can visit Scotland and Ireland,
too, since they're on the same island. Always wanted to go there." He
gives me this odd look and exclaims, "I want to go there, too! I'd like
that!" See, this is why I feel like I'm living in a dream half the
time. We get along almost "too" well, sharing so many of the same
interests, always wanting to experience more, yet happy with what we've
got in the meantime. It's almost a good thing that my bad moods still
strike on occasion, because otherwise, I'd be convinced that I was in a
coma having the most wondrous lucid dream any person could ever have.
When I told someone at work about this, they're like, "YOU don't plan
ahead, DO you?" No, not really. Ten years is so very close, I know it.
Happiness has a way of speeding up time exponentially. When I was
younger, a day was as a year. Now, a year is as a day. I spend many of
our moments together struggling with every little detail that I know
will fall from my memories. My mother once told me that when I was
small, she didn't have a camera, and she was so worried she'd forget
what I looked like that she deliberately studied me, intent on
memorizing the moment so she'd never forget my little features. And she
never did forget. Yet, I still alternate between wanting to record
everything via photographs and writing, and simply enjoying the
experience, trying to hold it all in my memories. (My memory sucks,
though, so I often go with photos and writing out of fear of letting
anything slip through my fingers into oblivion.)
It scares me how fast time flies now that I'm so very happy. It's as if
my life is passing before my eyes already. I can scarcely keep up.
When I lived in darkness, it was all I could see. Happiness shines its
light on so many things I never knew existed, that I feel overwhelmed at
Must be love.
Bells on bobsleds ring...
my nose up to. Travelled two hours and something to get to the
thing, and then some suv took us to some place and we were stuffed
into helmets, rolled into a bright yellow bobsled that reminds me of
the colour my mom told me my grandfather painted his fishing boat,
and... away we went.
The 50.1 seconds of whooooooshness included a pretty smart headbang,
brains contained in the helmet, scattered back into place with the
next turn, and just as I was thinking, "Hey, this could be fun!" the
ride was over with.
We got a free 4x6 picture of ourselves behind the bobsled and tucked
a good distance from the two bobsled guys. I joked with Dale that I
pooed my pants, would he still allow me in his car?
Ooh! He's making mac and cheese... gotta go. Starving again... :)
Anywho, peeps... if you get a chance to try 50.1 seconds of
bobsledding, by all means, GO!! Just remember, you must be 48" or
taller. Otherwise, they will kick you out. (I made the requirement
by three inches. YAY!!)
post breakfast
sit there for the next hour going, "Eeeeeeeeeeeat me?" before I get
back to it.
I'm... HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, granted, that's not
unusual these days, but I've got... ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNERGYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Long story short, I feel silly today and I wanted to post again even
though I've nothing in particular to say. However, I CAN say that
our wedding rings are on their way. They should be here Monday.
YeOWsers that's salty bacon. Heart attack central! Anywho, see, we
wanted a certain kind of ring, not just any old ring. We saw this
designed called Infinity and both of us fell in love with it. I
know, I know, the ring is merely a symbol of our everlasting love,
right? But, if we're gonna bother wearing any symbols at all, they
may as well be to our liking!
WELL. Therein was a problem. Infinity, no matter where we found it,
was 6mm in width or above band-wise. I've got these itsy bitsy
little fingers and I figured 4mm would be a-plenty. But no one would
tell me, "Okay, that's not a problem. We can do that." Instead, we
kept getting, "Nope, computers don't know how to do that. Titanium
is too hard to work with." Waah. And then. Just as we were giving
up hope. Just as we were thinking of having it done in Silver
instead. I saw. A site... THE site of all sites!
tirings.com was that site. I emailed them saying, "Is it true? You
can really make it 4mm??" Yep, was their response, but not in the
purple I asked about. I was like, "BS!!" So I found out that the
real artisan behind that particular ring was Bruce Boone at
boonerings.com. I emailed him. "Can you can you can you??" "Yep."
w00t!! So we ordered the next night. This guy is amazing. Dale
thinks he's retired and sitting around bored or something, because
the guy answers email in like half an hour or less. Seriously. Dale
and I have both had this experience at least once already. And, get
this! The rings shipped out the day after we ordered them!
Dale stuck with the typical 6mm (chicken!) and I of course stuck to
my guns with the 4mm. Bruce did warn me 4mm would be making it a bit
tight, but the flat profile I requested might help it a bit. I
sooooooo can't wait to see these things in person. But I won't look
forward to Monday too much because, well, it's the weekend. Why make
our weekend any shorter than it is by asking for Monday to come
quicker?? 'esides, this is the new DST weekend. Which means our
weekend is ALREADY cut an hour short. Hmph!
So, looking forward to Monday, but enjoying today. :)
Okay, back to the salty bacon.
Morning's breakfast
chicken rub, coriander, and marjoram, fried in butter until the
middle was hot, slightly pink. On the side I've got an egg, overdone
might I add. A piece of Thomas' English Muffin bread absorbs some of
the steak juices. And to top it off - bacon. Crispy, greasy, yummy
A single cup of Yunnan Jig tea graces my desk, as does a taller cup
of Ovaltine.
Dale walked in and said, "Wow, that's a breakfast. You should take a
picture of that." So I did. :)
Sinclair has managed to coax a nice little portion of meat out of me,
but that's okay. There were some semi-fatty portions I wouldn't have
eaten, anyway. I included some good stuff with them of course. Just
because he WILL eat fat doesn't mean that's ALL he's getting...
despite his being a nuisance at the breakfast table sometimes, I
appreciate the kinship we share regarding good food.
I bet Atkins folk are cheering me while the fruits and veggies lovers
are going, "GAHHH!!!" And you know what? I don't care either way.
See, I'm interested in nutrition, but overall, I try to listen to
what my body wants when it wants it. If my mouth is watering for
steak, eggs, bacon, and a small side of carb, so be it. Must be a
reason. Given how my energy and concentration levels do better when
I listen to myself, it would seem to me the human body is pretty good
at knowing what it needs.
Of course... the tea thing might prove me wrong... heh, yeah. *blush*
HOLY STOCKINGS!! This bacon is SALTY!!! *cringe*
listening to Bee Gees
what mood is that, Mom? *chuckle*
Indian Food
Peridot Flavouring
"People are like cakes. Many of the ingredients may taste horrible on their own, but once combined and properly baked, can form a wide variety of complex creations."
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