gah, we're gonna die of plastics poisoning!


Bottom line of that article:  EVERYTHING will eventually kill us no matter what.  I'd heard about the plastics vs cancer issue a long time ago and neither dispute nor refute it.  I'm sure plastic has its problems, since it comes from an ancient fuel by-product, but it's also a very convenient, relatively cheap material to utilize in so many of the ways we do.  It's only one thing we choose to help us be lazy in some ways so we can focus on other things.

My philosophy is this.  Minimize exposure to everything - cook your own food using non-radiated fruits, veggies, meats, etc.  Use as much natural stuff as possible under the assumption that it's got to be better for you, or at least as nature intended it.  Anything you use should be as close to nature as possible!  Exercise by going out and finding some grass and rolling around in it or sprinting through some tall weeds.  Get in the dirt and play, taking care not to wash your hands immediately afterward for fear of germs.  Fear not the folks with colds!  Dance!!  Laugh!!  Work hard and eat like you mean it.  Take time out for yourself.  Help others in some way every day.

For me, the world is so focused on what's going to harm them and others that they don't stop and smell the roses in their own back yard for fear of pesticide poisoning.  My back yard won't have any pesticides when I have one.  It'll probably have dandelions sprouting all over it, bright and sunlike all over the yard, and the few plants I attempt to grow on purpose will likely be half-eaten by some sort of hungry bug, but that's okay.  At least I will be able to sniff at them without worrying about poisoning myself and anyone I breathe on.  One more thing I've resolved to do is to stop taking my work so darned seriously.  It's a hard habit to break, but one I vow I will break so that I can focus on the most important things in my life:  Dale, the critters, and of course, my spirituality.  Not to mention myself.  How can I help others if I'm unbalanced and blurry myself?  Gotta take care of myself above all others or I'll be of no use to the world.

And you know what?  I'm still going to die some day.  Currently I hope this experience will not occur for quite some time, as I've got some strong ties here now, but I'm still looking forward to finding out what the big deal is.  I just hope I don't suffer long beforehand.  Relief from a prolonged illness can byte my arse.  Quick and sweet, baby.  If it's prolonged just enough for me to take care of things, though, I'll take that over being hit by a bus.  Got peeps to worry about, now, you know.

"and when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn.  Just rejoice and hear the sound of my voice and know that I'm looking down and smiling so don't feel no pain just smile back" (Eminem)


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