If you're happy and you know it...

Stay where you are!

Mum is still trying to get us to move to Maine. She argues that my
reasons for not wanting to move there are based solely upon my
driving experience in Portland. Will she not listen to me? I
actually _love_ my adopted hometown here. It's nothing personal
against her state of Maine. It's that I'm happy where I am. I don't
care about better jobs there, I don't care about "better people" or
different 'tudes or "better" trails or lakes or ponds or whatever
else she tries to dangle before my satisfied eyes. I simply don't
agree with the "grass is always greener" concept. My life is great.
It's awesome. When I drive into my little town, I feel renewed. I
feel love, happiness, and a sense of community that I've never, ever
felt anywhere in my whole life. I've not felt this in Maine. Yeah,
Maine feels different from much of my state, but the places I've
visited there do not equate to this fulfillment I've encountered in
this tiny little niche.

I feel for Mum, I really do. I know she misses me. I miss her,
too. In all honesty, though, she needs to accept my personal joys
and stop badgering me about succumbing to her wishes.

Whoo, I love Meade... I wish they could make it without the side-
effects of fuzziness, though. I already had half a brain due to the
flubug that's trying to invade my body. Now my brain is down to a
quarter... love this rice dish I made, though.



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