
Hehheh, I just have to mention this...

There's a company that is telling its peoples they can no longer put
two spaces after a period. Something about creating an image for
itself or something. Yeah, some image. "We never reached second

Then there's Portland, Maine. Apparently the school committee
decided to hand out birth control pills to kids in middle school.
Yeah, real smart. While they're at it, why not just hand them some
lithium, too? Anyone having sex at age twelve must have some serious
instability problems. The school committee OBVIOUSLY knows what's
best for all the little childrens of the world and are seeing to it
that they're all raised under the appropriate thumb. Hitler all the
way, baby.

On that subject, Mum and I were discussing that the other day and
came up with a couple ideas I think should be incorporated into every
American school. American Sign Language and Braille should be taught
to each child starting from first grade onward. Seriously!! If the
world wants to be so preoccupied with preventative everything, then
why not look toward each individual potentially going deaf or blind?
Kids soak up these things best when they're young, and if every
teacher knew these two subjects inside and out, the classes all the
way through high school could utilize Sign Language and Braille to
make sure the students had a firm, lifelong grasp of this valuable
knowledge. Then, even if they themselves do not go deaf or blind,
they can still communicate with those that have.

An added bonus is cultural tolerance through understanding. A child
would be less likely to make fun of a deaf person if they understood
the language that person uses. Think about it. Seeing someone sign
without understanding what it's about or what it means lends cause to
intolerance. Not only understanding the reason for the gestures but
also the meanings behind them, however, prevents the viewer from
being an outcast in their own right.

Of course, I'm biased, since I love both Sign and Braille. Still,
looking at it from a logical perspective, it DOES make some sense,
doesn't it? :)

My rants for the day.



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