sewing SUCKS!!

Just wanted everyone to know that sewing sucks the moldy spores off
of year-old BREAD!!

Yeah, smart, I'm getting over a cold, have snot dripping out of my
nostrils every two minutes and lo and behold, yours truly decides
that she wants to try to sew together a dress (or something) out of
that nice fuzzy panne velvet material she bought weeks ago.


First, this is the material from he**. Second, I gone done sewed
together the wrong edges. Now I've got a very narrow, long tube that
Dale says I should donate to a caterpillar missing his cocoon.

Granted, I can fix this, I mean, I can rip apart the seams I just put
in that took me all of 10 minutes to clamber through, and all will be
well again - the material will be flowing and free to curl up at its
edges all over again. But I HATE doing things over. HATE IT HATE IT

So, I'm putting this material bag in its bag and will curl up in the
nice rough material of a t-shirt. Nyah. Then I'm going to find
breakfast seeing's how it's almost noon. As soon as I blow my nose.



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