computers and sites...

Wow, I've been inundated with life lately, but in a good way, I suppose.

Finally broke into a client's computer a few minutes ago, and am now
running spyware and virus detection software. Client had no discs so
I had to improvise, thus, I had to think. LOL Anywho, that was
after I updated www.longtrailfestivalvt.com.

The Festival was a
success, and I wish I could have participated a bit more, but a
friend was up and I was more into the visit at the time than the
Festival. I'll be more participative next year. Really!

Earlier today I was blown away when someone at work not only
complimented me on the webpage, but also mentioned that a friend of
his is always looking for designers to help him out and thought maybe
I could do it on the side or something. Granted, the site's been
commented on by more than a few people, but to have someone in the
design business mention it, that caught my attention a bit more.
It's kind of like when I sing or play or write a song; certain people
always think it's good or okay, but when my musician friend/coworker
says it's pretty good, I know it's pretty good. He's got the
expertise, ear, skills, and experience to know from a technical and
talented perspective. So, I was excited by the words, even if
nothing comes of the conversation.

Wow, yeah, this thing's got some buggaboos... Might not be able to do
this all tonight. :\ Scanning overnight might just be warranted!

If there were only more hours in the day... I love my work - both the
full-time job and the sidework - but when I get extra sidework I tend
to overdo things and then I tire myself out. It's hard to say no to
computer work. It's not the money I seek but the challenges,
experience, and the ability to help people. There's a certain
feeling I get when I hand someone their computer and say, "There,
it's fixed." So, it's hard to remember to MAKE time for myself and
my family. But, I refuse to close this door, which occasionally
widens, showing just a hint of what I might do down the road. One of
my favourite pasttimes is web design, even though I've little real-
world experience. I think I'll look into a class on it again soon...

Aight, I'm tired, thirsty, and hungry, so I'm going to let this thing
keep running and I'm gonna go satiate my bodily needs.



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