talent... or lack thereof

Just did this last night... I'm not exactly that great at music, but I have been pushing the issue a long time, so I'm proud of this one even if it's best classified as rap... there are a few flavours of rap so I'll just tell myself it's amongst the better flavours... LOL  (Hm.  Funny thing is... you ever hear that some people hate what describes them?  I've always hated rap, yet it's the only "music" I've actually got an inkling of ability for, and I only recently acknowledged that I like SOME rap - chiefly Eminem.  Maybe accepting that has allowed me to pursue it myself.  Ugh... LOL)

Guess I am somewhat multi-talented... I think "versatile" is more the word.  I can't say I'm awesome at any one thing (other than spotting spelling errors a mile away and intuiting code pretty easily once immersed)... but I do have a myriad of abilities when I find some sort of interest to pour them into.

Like last night... I SUCK at music, yet on our way home, I wrote a jumbled outpouring of words in a notebook, and thought I might put them to song somehow - eventually.  Then I'm sitting here listening to music and I get... inspired!!  I whipped open GarageBand and intuitively found a beat that happened to be perfect even though I didn't know that fully at the time.  For a few minutes I stumbled over the rhythm of the words, trying to force them into the beat; then I simply tore them apart and reworded them into a rapping type of prose.

A few imperfections and happenstances lent me ideas and I left some in there as part of the song, tweaking as necessary to make it flow together passingly.  In under four hours, the whole thing had been recorded and converted to mp3.

I could have spent five years on that and it wouldn't have been as good as the inspired version of it was.  I don't even know why the Muses sent inspiration my way at that moment in time.  I never do.  But when inspiration strikes, boy, does it strike, and effortlessly, too.

Seems to me that it built up, too... prior to writing the poem on our way home, I'd been drawing in that notebook, just lined paper and blue liquid sketching across the pages.  The two drawings I did were actually pretty good considering I had no eraser, didn't care, wasn't trying very hard and yet still had some idea of what I wanted to illustrate.  It was one of those "decisions" that I feel click into place and don't question.  They are the most interesting pieces of my life.

And today, I didn't eat much at all, forcing down a bowl of Cream of Wheat just for sustenance as I worked on my websites, backups, and pictures, catching up on my computer requirements.  Then I realized I was shaking from the abuse so I begrudgingly went downstairs to find food.  I got sidetracked by organizing and cleaning out the pantry, and in the process, saw the rice sitting there on the shelf.  That reminded me that I'd wanted rice and veggies and chicken just last night but we'd had pizza instead, and I'd raised no objections because I didn't feel like cooking.  The cooking bug hit me.  So I made a huge pot of rice, a smaller one of lentils, and whipped out a frying pan for the veggies and chicken strips.

WOW is this stuff good!!  It's a cross between Chinese fried rice, spicy Indian lentils, and Mexican omelettes without the eggs.  And, as usual, I wasn't trying that hard.  I just grabbed whatever I felt like throwing in.  I don't think I've ever tired of this particular dish.  Probably because I can't make it the exact same way twice.  I've always got some slight variation up my sleeve and it keeps me (and my tastebuds) interested.  I just love the flavours of the vittles within, and the rice takes on these flavours in such wondrous ways.  Hard to do it without the meat, though.  Doesn't take much of it but it seems to be as necessary as the rice and the spices.

If all of life was this easy, we'd all be nervous some sort of doom was approaching!



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