Long Trail Festival

Dudes!!! Like, I LOVE RapidWeaver!! It's the coolest thing since garlic nan!!

Anywho, I reworked the Long Trail Festival site. Some folks on the other side of the festival were apparently hoping to take over the site for me and run with it. I was happy to let them but I was fought for and kept on board as sole designer. So when she started sending me stuff to put up yesterday, I started feeling like maybe the site could use some sprucing up.

A few weeks ago, I'd obtained a copy of Rapid Weaver through a promotion Dale got me into. I think it was through MacZot, but with my memory these days... anywho, the program is for web design. I'd briefly tried out FrontPage and found it OK, but not fast enough. I'd rather code it all myself than use FrontPage unless I needed particularly special things like db links and such. Most recently I tried out iWeb and it made nice results, but just one little change, and it has to upload the whole site. That is a ROYAL pain in the butt, especially when you get up there with content. And everything is so controlled that it loads a bit slowly on some machines.

Rapid Weaver, however, has some pretty nice templates, uploads only UPDATED content, is easy to use, and supposedly you can customize your own templates somehow. That last is not so intuitive mind you but I'll figure it out eventually. I'm guessing it's made for the newbie designer and the more advanced stuff is found by advanced users, out of eyeshot of newbies so they don't inadvertently shoot themselves in the fingertip. I can respect that if that's the case and support it wholeheartedly. Still, I wish /I/ could find it within five minutes.

Me's thinkin' that I'll rework a few of my other sites, too, like Techie Tutorials for instance. Actually, that's the perfect site to do next because it's very run down and VERY much in need of repair. Unfortunately the design will be the easy part - it's the content I've got to rework, really. Hence the fact it's not done yet...

Anywho, there's my happiness for the day!!


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