Mac II and MUSIC

I posted last night that Dale got a Mac Classic II.  OMG it's soooooooooooo SIMPLE!!  And it still works!!  Looks like it's about 15 years old, it's copyrighted 1983-1992.  Right now he's solving a puzzle.  It's got a few programs on it, even MS Word.  (Yikes!)  Pretty slick for such an old beast.

I tell ya, dems were da days... back when things lasted forever.  I bet my Tandy 1000 TL would still be working today, too.  I got it in 1988 and it was still running nine years later.  Monitor had since lost one of its fans, though, so I had to put a little box fan behind it to keep it from blacking out.  It was LOUD in my room.  It was also huge by comparison - bigger than the Apple IIe that I used from 1986-1989 or so.  Even now the Apple products are more intuitive, simpler, and quieter than their pc counterparts.  They truly are things of beauty.  I still miss Chris, though.  (That was my Tandy.)  I should never have left him behind when we moved...

Dale and I were talking last night and decided to name the new baby "Chip."

Oh!  In other news... I discovered a new techno band last night called BassHunter.  Dale sent me a site that showed sliding cars (here's that clip:  http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=1724)  It's a site in Iceland, I'm assuming the clip is in Iceland, too, but not sure since everyone's speaking English.  (I could tell by the language and the .is on the website.)  Well, I started playing with the menus on the left and found what resembled music genres, so I clicked one that said "Popp" something.  Saw a Klippur (video clip?) and clicked the play button.  International symbols are so wonderful.  BassHunter is a swedish dude - he does all his own music on his own computer.  (Read about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basshunter)

Anywho, the song was Boten Anna - no idea what it means yet, still researching, but it's COOL!!  He calls his own music Eurodance... I think it sounds like a combination of pop, eurodance, gaming music, and a hint of rap at times (I once hated to admit it, but some techno is actually quite similar to rap as far as the vocals go).  He even did a version of Jingle Bells!!  It's awesome... I now like Christmas music again!!  (Usually I play Weird Al carols... and a bit of Peter Cetera since he released his Christmas album.)

Aight, must find liquid to infuse into my bodily cells...

Hey, wait, we named the computer after ME??  Drat...


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