Me? Dancing?

HAAAAAAAhahahahahaha... I took these in my old apartment back in
'04... Might have been lacking in things to take pictures of other
than myself and my place, but I was certainly having fun! I learned
a lot of things doing this sort of thing then, not all of it
technical. Photographing oneself in this manner is like directing,
choreographing, shooting, and performing the whole thing. One also
learns how to make the camera more of one's friend than enemy. And
of course there's the technical difficulties (like dead batteries)...

Despite my stagefright, I think there's a big part of me that's
always wanted to BE on stage. Kinda of ironic, really, that I long
for solitude behind a monitor yet this creative streak is constantly
fighting me for escape. Over the years I've learned to balance it by
being creative by myself at home and then going to work to work
behind a monitor with lots of people yacking at me. Not ideal but
it's close enough.

Of course, now my creativity is often enhanced by a certain someone
whom I now live with. Recently he re-introduced me to iMovieHD. Now
I've got a "movie" started. Whoa boy... I won't be seen for weeks.
Thanks a lot, Dale... ;)


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